Armoury Crate version

Armoury Crate version wurde erstellt von aleksisus 17 Apr. 2022 21:42 #48058 von aleksisus
Hello, please tell me where it is possible to download offline installation (full package) Armory Crate version or other 4.2.xx
the fact is that the new 5.xx versions do not work well with Anime Matrix and the developers are in no hurry to fix numerous bugs (which I provided to them) Although it has been 5 months since the release of the 5th version.

I would be grateful for a link to version
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kurim antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 18 Apr. 2022 21:03 #48059 von kurim
Since it will update on it's own it would does not help you.
Which bugs about AnimeMatrix are you facing?
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aleksisus antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 19 Apr. 2022 03:38 #48060 von aleksisus
There you can disable automatic updates and stay on the previous version of Armory Crate.
I downloaded version 4.1.6 in January from this site. And I use it, although it has a vulnerability for hackers and it works worse than 4.2.12
Also, I have all Anime Matrix projects saved in version 4.2.xx and they cannot be opened in 4.1.6
I saw that on one Chinese closed forum there is a version I need, but there registration and downloading is available only by invitation, which I do not have.

version 5 has a problem with playing long animations (more than 2 minutes). The animation is first loaded and played. But after turning it off and on again, various playback glitches or its complete absence begin.
The developers have recognized this fact, which I provided them in December 2021. Despite the fact that in the 4th version of these problems there are no.
When asked to provide me with a temporary previous version in which everything worked, they evasively declined my request. However, the bugs have not yet been fixed.
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kurim antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 21 Apr. 2022 10:06 #48063 von kurim
After Checking, I dont find a 4.2.12.
There is only a 4.2.12 of Armoury Crate Service.
For the App I only have after this I only has 5.x Versions.

You can try this:
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: aleksisus
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aleksisus antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 21 Apr. 2022 16:44 #48064 von aleksisus
Kurim, thank you so much for your response and help!  I will be trying to install these versions that you kindly provided.
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aleksisus antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 07 Sep. 2022 03:14 #48105 von aleksisus
Kurim, please tell me is there a way to block the automatic update of Armoury Crate?
Now it is constantly updated in the background (even when I checked the do not update checkbox in the settings). After that, I have to completely delete and reinstall the old Armoury Crate, the files of which you so kindly provided.
I have already performed this procedure many times and it really interferes with the work.
I tried to block access to the network .exe files from the Asus folder and also blocked the domain in the host file. But it didn't help, and updates are downloaded and installed in the background again.
Perhaps in the host file you need to specify some other domain from which updates are being downloaded?
I would be very grateful for help.

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kurim antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 08 Sep. 2022 22:05 #48107 von kurim
As far as i know there is no way to block it, except you block the update url (no it is not, you need to block a subdomain, but I'm not sure if this will solve it)

Btw. did you test: ?
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: aleksisus
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aleksisus antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 09 Sep. 2022 02:54 #48112 von aleksisus
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, neither this nor all previous Armoury Crate updates after this problem was discovered starting from version 5 - nothing has been fixed in Anime Matrix.
I spent a lot of time testing all these updates.
I understand that few people use Anime Matrix as deeply as I do, and accordingly do not write reports to developers about bugs.
And because of one or two people who wrote to them, the developers do not want to bother with fixes.
If you use Anime Matrix as most, i.e. 10-30 sec. animations, then these bugs are almost invisible.

Now I have to figure out which domain to block in the Host file so that the Asus thinks that I have no Internet connection) 
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kurim antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 09 Sep. 2022 19:05 #48116 von kurim
I have seen internally that the next version is in pipeline maybe they got it fixed.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: aleksisus
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fluoria antwortete auf Armoury Crate version 27 Okt. 2023 00:24 #48274 von fluoria
Hello! I've encountered a similar situation that my Armoury Crate completely breaks after I updated to 5.x, and I just found this post. As the link above for this 4.x version offline installer is now invalid, may I know if it could be shared again?

Thank you!
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